We love because God first loved us. I John 4:19 (ISV)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Young Girl's Trusting Heart

'Twas my officemate's birthday and Christening of her son. I found myself playing "hide-and-seek" with the kids, running to and fro, while trying to take pictures of them and capture their care-free moments.

I was actually chasing one of the kids: a pretty, adventurous, and smart little girl, Jam, my officemate's middle child. Among the kids there, Jam was the only one aloof to me since it was only our second meeting. The rest of the kids (Bamboo & Red)are already comfortable with me. They gladly call my name and hug me almost every working day we see each other in the office after their class. Their school is just adjacent to our office. After all my efforts (to the extent of chasing her and sweating a lot!) to "win" her friendship, Jam allowed me to take a picture of her. She even agreed to take a picture with me.

As we were playing, I was truly amazed with a little girl's trusting heart. Jam never hesitated to jump off a four-foot wall towards the ready hands of her "tito Jaypee". And she excitedly did it several times, with no trace of fear. She also asked me to catch her while jumping off, but seeing my hesitant gesture, she changed her mind and instead asked Jaypee to catch her again. I then realized that even a child's trusting heart also needs a re-assuring stroke.

It felt good being with kids. As simple as a chasing game already painted happy smiles on their faces. (And how I wished I could be a child again!) I was drenched with sweat after more than an hour of playing. It was refreshing (just ignore the smell! *wink*- a drop of cologne helped!). And the long walk with Jaypee made it more refreshing...

When I got home, my child-like smiles reflected in the mirror. Indeed, a sunny Sunday afternoon.

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