We love because God first loved us. I John 4:19 (ISV)

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Tired Heart Is Like A Dying Plant

We had this activity in our Science subject back in third grade. We planted two seeds of monggo beans in two separate pots. After few days, the seeds grew. One plant was well taken cared of: watered, exposed to the sunlight, and weeded. The other plant experienced the exact opposite. The plant that was nourished grew, with shiny green leaves; the unnourished one eventually withered and died. Our Science teacher explained to our young minds that chlorophyll is vital for photosynthesis, which allows plants to obtain energy from light. She said that the plant died due to absence of exposure to sunlight.

Learning from my Science subject, I made sure to take care of what I planted. I was in grade five when I tried growing orchids and daisies in our small garden at home. I watered my plants every morning and afternoon, before and after going to school. I made sure that no weeds would grow; otherwise, my plants would struggle and die due to lack of nourishment. The daisies and the orchids bloomed with very colorful flowers: yellow, red, orange, purple, etc. Seeing those beautiful flowers made me smile and proud. I felt like I have a “green thumb”. Until one heavy rain ruined them all. My orchids did not have nets to protect them. My daisies were washed away by the flood. It was terribly disappointing. I did not cry but I lost the passion to grow flowers.

Just thinking. Isn't a plant like one’s heart? Like a plant not cultivated, an abandoned heart does not grow into full. Just like a plant, a heart has to be nurtured by affection, care and love. Yes, God’s heart never ceases to love. Yet, a man’s heart may choose to stop loving — when taken for granted, hurt, and tired.

How do you take care of the hearts of those you love?

My Father's Love

I might be stubborn at times, but I have done my best to obey my parents as they kept on reminding me and my siblings of Ephesians 6:1, which says, “Children obey your parents for in the Lord this is right.”

True enough, I did not have a boyfriend until I finished college mainly because of my father. When I was in high school, Tatay told me, with a stern look and firm voice, that he would drag me home the moment he saw me with a guy. He was mad at me that time for I went home late (about 6:00PM) from class. He refused to believe I was in the town library doing research work. I was hurt he doubted me when I told him the truth.

Tatay is a man of few words (too few that I remembered) while Mama is a woman of many words (too many that I forgot). Back then, when Tatay spoke, his words penetrated to my heart. He seldom hurt me and my siblings in a physical manner. But I did experience a slap from him when I was in 4th year high school. He was terribly mad at me when I went home late from a movie house. As he slapped me (good thing it only hit the cap I wore and not much of my face), he insisted I was with someone (and I was pretty sure he was thinking of a male companion!). I cried hard. Not because of the physical pain but for his lack of trust. I did not understand why he had to slap me. I could have lied but opted to tell the truth. I was thinking he would understand and would just tell me not to do it again. After that incident, I was distant to him for more than a week. Later on, I “sort of realized” my fault and tried to make it up with him. I made sure to go home right after class and not to watch a movie again. I only went back to that movie house when we had a film viewing for our English subject.

Back then, I thought Tatay was too rigid. I was even surprised when he did not hesitate to send me to UP Mindanao for college, when I would be away from the family, from his eyes. Yet, he supported me the best he could. That time I suddenly felt I already gained his trust. That he believed I would still do well even while away. And it felt so good.

I still think Tatay is rigid. But the big difference now is that I understand why he had to when we were younger. He just loves me and my siblings so much to protect us by all means, from wrong actions, wrong paths, which may lead to greater pains.

I love both my father and my mother. But I would say that for most, it is my father who has shaped my character.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Young Girl's Trusting Heart

'Twas my officemate's birthday and Christening of her son. I found myself playing "hide-and-seek" with the kids, running to and fro, while trying to take pictures of them and capture their care-free moments.

I was actually chasing one of the kids: a pretty, adventurous, and smart little girl, Jam, my officemate's middle child. Among the kids there, Jam was the only one aloof to me since it was only our second meeting. The rest of the kids (Bamboo & Red)are already comfortable with me. They gladly call my name and hug me almost every working day we see each other in the office after their class. Their school is just adjacent to our office. After all my efforts (to the extent of chasing her and sweating a lot!) to "win" her friendship, Jam allowed me to take a picture of her. She even agreed to take a picture with me.

As we were playing, I was truly amazed with a little girl's trusting heart. Jam never hesitated to jump off a four-foot wall towards the ready hands of her "tito Jaypee". And she excitedly did it several times, with no trace of fear. She also asked me to catch her while jumping off, but seeing my hesitant gesture, she changed her mind and instead asked Jaypee to catch her again. I then realized that even a child's trusting heart also needs a re-assuring stroke.

It felt good being with kids. As simple as a chasing game already painted happy smiles on their faces. (And how I wished I could be a child again!) I was drenched with sweat after more than an hour of playing. It was refreshing (just ignore the smell! *wink*- a drop of cologne helped!). And the long walk with Jaypee made it more refreshing...

When I got home, my child-like smiles reflected in the mirror. Indeed, a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I Just Can't Help Myself

I just can't help but think about him.(Trying not to think about him makes me think of him more.)

I just can't help but enjoy his company. (My happy eyes and my smiles always betray me.)

I just cant help but smile with just the thought of him. (And it's hard to explain why.)

I just can't help but long to be near him. (Maybe because he makes me feel so light and comfortable.)

I just can't help but look forward to see him smile at me and tease me with his naughty ways. (He never fails to make me laugh.)

For now, I am just enjoying his friendship. Each day, I am appreciating him as a person and a friend. He's different. I even told him he is "an exemption to my rule".

I just pray to the Lord to lead my heart, and his too.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sheila's Birthday! :)

Twas past midnight but I was still smiling. My heart was leaping with joy. The 24th birthday celebration of Shiela was just perfect with the presence of our DBCC co-yuppies care group, her clan of singers, and a dear friend of mine. Shiela was wearing a black, above the knee-length dress, nicely fit for her petite shape. Though I know she was missing someone special that night, yet, her happy and child-like aura remained. I think she is the most accommodating birthday celebrant. In spite of her busy preparation, she managed to pick us up to ensure we would reach her place. Indeed, a very pleasant woman!

I have been grateful to Sheila. Our friendship is something I have not expected. We were both aloof with each other before. Just a mere "hi" and "hello" when we met in the church. Maybe because she's six years younger than me and those times we saw each other I had the idea she had a "crush" to my so-called "love team" in the church. Now that we are good friends, she admitted she was also hesitant to really know me better for the same reasons. I told her that the one she once admired is just a very good friend of mine. That our church mates just teased us because of our closeness as friends. And that there is nothing romantic between us. Shiela and I have become good friends since she introduced her boyfriend (Leo) to us on one Sunday fellowship. We became more comfortable with each other as we started bonding through malling, shopping and eating (remember the 1st time we ate together at KFC? twas that time i realized we had something in common: we could hardly read from afar. . . hehe). We even became closer through our constant fellowship in the care group.

I am truly blessed how the Lord brought me closer to Shiela and to the rest of our care group, namely: Mei, Elwyn, Dada, Matet, Patrick and Teng. :) I thank the Lord for your lives! Thank you for being my brothers and my sisters in the Lord!

For Sheila's birthday, I wish her to also claim God's promise in Jeremiah 29:11. I love you, Shie!;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

. . .

I am missing someone.

I miss talking to him. I miss laughing with him. I miss eating halo-halo with him. I miss walking with him. I miss being near him. :(

Saturday, August 7, 2010

God's Promises

I just praise God for working in my broken heart. Gradually, He picks up the pieces of my heart and makes it whole again. I find strength and comfort in His words.

" For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord, "plan to prosper you and not to harm you; plan to bring you the future you hope for."- Jeremiah 29:11

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. . ." Psalm 37:23

"He strengthens those who are weak and tired. Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted. But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak."- Isaiah 40:29-31

" But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all. But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind." James 1:5-6

" Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning." James 1:17

" I am the Lord, the God of all people. Nothing is too difficult for me." -Jeremiah 32:26

. . . I put my trust in You, Lord. I love you! ;)